Saturday 5 March 2011


People don't question the need for rules in a board game. If you didn't have rules, each player could be happily playing as it suits them, regardless of whether their play was consistent with that of other players. The existence of rules ensures that each player plays the game in the same way, which might not be as much fun as a free-for-all. However, when a fight over a player's actions arises, the written rules clearly indicate who is right. The rules are a set of standards by which a game is played.
Standards prevent a situation arising where two seemingly compatible systems really are not. For example, 10 years ago when CP/M was the dominant operating system, the 5.25-inch floppy was used by most systems. But the floppy from a Kaypro II couldn't be read by an Osbourne I because the tracks were laid out in a different manner. A utility program could convert between the two, but that extra step was a major annoyance for machine users.
When the IBM PC became the platform of choice, the 5.25-inch format used by the IBM PC was adopted by other companies to ensure disk compatibility. The IBM format became a de facto standard, one adopted because of market pressures and customer demand.

Setting Standards

Creating a standard in today's world is not a simple matter. Several organizations are dedicated to developing the standards in a complete, unambiguous manner. The most important of these is the International Organization for Standardization, or ISO (often called the International Standardization Organization to fit their acronym, although this is incorrect). ISO consists of standards organizations from many countries who try to agree on international criterion. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), British Standards Institute (BSI), Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN), and Association Francaise du Normalization (AFNOR) are all member groups. The ISO developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard that is discussed throughout this book.
Each nation's standards organization can create a standard for that country, of course. The goal of ISO, however, is to agree on worldwide standards. Otherwise, incompatibilities could exist that wouldn't allow one country's system to be used in another. (An example of this is with television signals: the US relies on NTSC, whereas Europe uses PAL—systems that are incompatible with each other.)
Curiously, the language used for most international standards is English, even though the majority of participants in a standards committee are not from English-speaking countries. This can cause quite a bit of confusion, especially because most standards are worded awkwardly to begin with.
The reason most standards involve awkward language is that to describe something unambiguously can be very difficult, sometimes necessitating the creation of new terms that the standard defines. Not only must the concepts be clearly defined, but the absolute behavior is necessary too. With most things that standards apply to, this means using numbers and physical terms to provide a concrete definition. Defining a 2x4 piece of lumber necessitates the use of a measurement of some sort, and similarly defining computer terms requires mathematics.
Simply defining a method of communications, such as TCP/IP, would be fairly straightforward if it weren't for the complication of defining it for open systems. The use of an open system adds another difficulty because all aspects of the standard must be machine-independent. Imagine trying to define a 2x4 without using a measurement you are familiar with, such as inches, or if inches are adopted, it would be difficult to define inches in an unambiguous way (which indeed is what happens, because most units of length are defined with respect to the wavelength of a particular kind of coherent light).
Computers communicate through bits of data, but those bits can represent characters, numbers, or something else. Numbers could be integers, fractions, or octal representations. Again, you must define the units. You can see that the complications mount, one on top of the other.
To help define a standard, an abstract approach is usually used. In the case of OSI, the meaning (called the semantics) of the data transferred (the abstract syntax) is first dealt with, and the exact representation of the data in the machine (the concrete syntax) and the means by which it is transferred (transfer syntax) are handled separately. The separation of the abstract lets the data be represented as an entity, without concern for what it really means. It's a little like treating your car as a unit instead of an engine, transmission, steering wheel, and so on. The abstraction of the details to a simpler whole makes it easier to convey information. ("My car is broken" is abstract, whereas "the power steering fluid has all leaked out" is concrete.)
To describe systems abstractly, it is necessary to have a language that meets the purpose. Most standards bodies have developed such a system. The most commonly used is ISO's Abstract Syntax Notation One, frequently shortened to ASN.1. It is suited especially for describing open systems networking. Thus, it's not surprising to find it used extensively in the OSI and TCP descriptions. Indeed, ASN.1 was developed concurrently with the OSI standards when it became necessary to describe upper-layer functions.
The primary concept of ASN.1 is that all types of data, regardless of type, size, origin, or purpose, can be represented by an object that is independent of the hardware, operating system software, or application. The ASN.1 system defines the contents of a datagram protocol header—the chunk of information at the beginning of an object that describes the contents to the system. (Headers are discussed in more detail in the section titled "Protocol Headers" later in this chapter.)
Part of ASN.1 describes the language used to describe objects and data types (such as a data description language in database terminology). Another part defines the basic encoding rules that deal with moving the data objects between systems. ASN.1 defines data types that are used in the construction of data packets (datagrams). It provides for both structured and unstructured data types, with a list of 28 supported types.

Internet Standards

When the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was established in 1980, a group was formed to develop a set of standards for the Internet. The group, called the Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) was reorganized into the Internet Activities Board (IAB) in 1983, whose task was to design, engineer, and manage the Internet.
In 1986, the IAB turned over the task of developing the Internet standards to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and the long-term research was assigned to the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). The IAB retained final authorization over anything proposed by the two task forces.
The last step in this saga was the formation of the Internet Society in 1992, when the IAB was renamed the Internet Architecture Board. This group is still responsible for existing and future standards, reporting to the board of the Internet Society.
After all that, what happened during the shuffling? Almost from the beginning, the Internet was defined as "a loosely organized international collaboration of autonomous, interconnected networks," which supported host-to-host communications "through voluntary adherence to open protocols and procedures" defined in a technical paper called the Internet Standards, RFC 1310,2. That definition is still used today.
The IETF continues to work on refining the standards used for communications over the Internet through a number of working groups, each one dedicated to a specific aspect of the overall Internet protocol suite. There are working groups dedicated to network management, security, user services, routing, and many more things. It is interesting that the IETF's groups are considerably more flexible and efficient than those of, say, the ISO, whose working groups can take years to agree on a standard. In many cases, the IETF's groups can form, create a recommendation, and disband within a year or so. This helps continuously refine the Internet standards to reflect changing hardware and software capabilities.
Creating a new Internet standard (which happened with TCP/IP) follows a well-defined process. It begins with a request for comment (RFC). This is usually a document containing a specific proposal, sometimes new and sometimes a modification of an existing standard. RFCs are widely distributed, both on the network itself and to interested parties as printed documents. Important RFCs and instructions for retrieving them are included in the appendixes at the end of this book.
The RFC is usually discussed for a while on the network itself, where anyone can express their opinion, as well as in formal IETF working group meetings. After a suitable amount of revision and continued discussion, an Internet draft is created and distributed. This draft is close to final form, providing a consolidation of all the comments the RFC generated.
The next step is usually a proposed standard, which remains as such for at least six months. During this time, the Internet Society requires at least two independent and interoperable implementations to be written and tested. Any problems arising from the actual tests can then be addressed. (In practice, it is usual for many implementations to be written and given a thorough testing.)
After that testing and refinement process is completed, a draft standard is written, which remains for at least four months, during which time many more implementations are developed and tested. The last step—after many months—is the adoption of the standard, at which point it is implemented by all sites that require it.

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