Saturday 5 March 2011


Diplomats follow rules when they conduct business between nations, which you see referred to in the media as protocol. Diplomatic protocol requires that you don't insult your hosts and that you do respect local customs (even if that means you have to eat some unappetizing dinners!). Most embassies and commissions have specialists in protocol, whose function is to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly when communications are taking place. The protocol is a set of rules that must be followed in order to "play the game," as career diplomats are fond of saying. Without the protocols, one side of the conversation might not really understand what the other is saying.
Similarly, computer protocols define the manner in which communications take place. If one computer is sending information to another and they both follow the protocol properly, the message gets through, regardless of what types of machines they are and what operating systems they run (the basis for open systems). As long as the machines have software that can manage the protocol, communications are possible. Essentially, a computer protocol is a set of rules that coordinates the exchange of information.
Protocols have developed from very simple processes ("I'll send you one character, you send it back, and I'll make sure the two match") to elaborate, complex mechanisms that cover all possible problems and transfer conditions. A task such as sending a message from one coast to another can be very complex when you consider the manner in which it moves. A single protocol to cover all aspects of the transfer would be too large, unwieldy, and overly specialized. Therefore, several protocols have been developed, each handling a specific task.
Combining several protocols, each with their own dedicated purposes, would be a nightmare if the interactions between the protocols were not clearly defined. The concept of a layered structure was developed to help keep each protocol in its place and to define the manner of interaction between each protocol (essentially, a protocol for communications between protocols!).
As you saw earlier, the ISO has developed a layered protocol system called OSI. OSI defines a protocol as "a set of rules and formats (semantic and syntactic), which determines the communication behavior of N-entities in the performance of N-functions." You might remember that N represents a layer, and an entity is a service component of a layer.
When machines communicate, the rules are formally defined and account for possible interruptions or faults in the flow of information, especially when the flow is connectionless (no formal connection between the two machines exists). In such a system, the ability to properly route and verify each packet of data (datagram) is vitally important. As discussed earlier, the data sent between layers is called a service data unit (SDU), so OSI defines the analogous data between two machines as a protocol data unit (PDU).
The flow of information is controlled by a set of actions that define the state machine for the protocol. OSI defines these actions as protocol control information (PCI).

Breaking Data Apart

It is necessary to introduce a few more terms commonly used in OSI and TCP/IP, but luckily they are readily understood because of their real-world connotations. These terms are necessary because data doesn't usually exist in manageable chunks. The data might have to be broken down into smaller sections, or several small sections can be combined into a large section for more efficient transfer. The basic terms are as follows:
Segmentation is the process of breaking an N-service data unit (N-SDU) into several N-protocol data units (N-PDUs).
Reassembly is the process of combining several N-PDUs into an N-SDU (the reverse of segmentation).
Blocking is the combination of several SDUs (which might be from different services) into a larger PDU within the layer in which the SDUs originated.
Unblocking is the breaking up of a PDU into several SDUs in the same layer.
Concatenation is the process of one layer combining several N-PDUs from the next higher layer into one SDU (like blocking except occurring across a layer boundary).
Separation is the reverse of concatenation, so that a layer breaks a single SDU into several PDUs for the next layer higher (like unblocking except across a layer boundary).
Finally, here is one last set of definitions that deal with connections:
Multiplexing is when several connections are supported by a single connection in the next lower layer (so three presentation service connections could be multiplexed into a single session connection).
Demultiplexing is the reverse of multiplexing, in which one connection is split into several connections for the layer above it.
Splitting is when a single connection is supported by several connections in the layer below (so the data link layer might have three connections to support one network layer connection).
Recombining is the reverse of splitting, so that several connections are combined into a single one for the layer above.
Multiplexing and splitting (and their reverses, demultiplexing and recombining) are different in the manner in which the lines are split. With multiplexing, several connections combine into one in the layer below. With splitting, however, one connection can be split into several in the layer below. As you might expect, each has its importance within TCP and OSI.

Protocol Headers

Protocol control information is information about the datagram to which it is attached. This information is usually assembled into a block that is attached to the front of the data it accompanies and is called a header or protocol header. Protocol headers are used for transferring information between layers as well as between machines. As mentioned earlier, the protocol headers are developed according to rules laid down in the ISO's ASN.1 document set.
When a protocol header is passed to the layer beneath, the datagram including the layer's header is treated as the entire datagram for that receiving layer, which adds its own protocol header to the front. Thus, if a datagram started at the application layer, by the time it reached the physical layer, it would have seven sets of protocol headers on it. These layer protocol headers are used when moving back up the layer structure; they are stripped off as the datagram moves up. 
Adding each layer's protocol header to user data. It is easier to think of this process as layers on an onion. The inside is the data that is to be sent. As it passes through each layer of the OSI model, another layer of onion skin is added. When it is finished moving through the layers, several protocol headers are enclosing the data. When the datagram is passed back up the layers (probably on another machine), each layer peels off the protocol header that corresponds to the layer. When it reaches the destination layer, only the data is left.
This process makes sense, because each layer of the OSI model requires different information from the datagram. By using a dedicated protocol header for each layer of the datagram, it is a relatively simple task to remove the protocol header, decode its instructions, and pass the rest of the message on. The alternative would be to have a single large header that contained all the information, but this would take longer to process. The exact contents of the protocol header are not important right now, but I examine them later when looking at the TCP protocol.
As usual, OSI has a formal description for all this, which states that the N-user data to be transferred is prepended with N-protocol control information (N-PCI) to form an N-protocol data unit (N-PDU). The N-PDUs are passed across an N-service access point (N-SAP) as one of a set of service parameters comprising an N-service data unit (N-SDU). The service parameters comprising the N-SDU are called N-service user data (N-SUD), which is prepended to the (N–1)PCI to form another (N–1)PDU.
For every service in a layer, there is a protocol for it to communicate to the layer below it (remember that applications communicate through the layer below, not directly). The protocol exchanges for each service are defined by the system, and to a lesser extent by the application developer, who should be following the rules of the system.
Protocols and headers might sound a little complex or overly complicated for the task that must be accomplished, but considering the original goals of the OSI model, it is generally acknowledged that this is the best way to go. (Many a sarcastic comment has been made about OSI and TCP that claim the header information is much more important than the data contents. In some ways this is true, because without the header the data would never get to its destination.)


Today's text has thrown a lot of terminology at you, most of which you will see frequently in the following chapters. In most cases, a gentle reminder of the definition accompanies the first occurrence of the term. To understand the relationships between the different terms, though, you might have to refer back to today's material.
You now have the basic knowledge to relate TCP/IP to the OSI's layered model, which will help you understand what TCP/IP does (and how it goes about doing it). The next chapter looks at the history of TCP/IP and the growth of the Internet.

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