Saturday 5 March 2011

Modem Control Codes 2

Extended Command Set

&Rn Received Data hardware (RTS) flow control
&R0 CTS tracks RTS
&R1 Ignore RTS—Default
&R2 Pass received data on RTS high; used Pass received data on RTS high Extended
Command Set
&Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) override
&S0 DSR override (always On—Default)
&S1 Modem controls DSR
&S2 Pulsed DSR; CTS follows CD
&S3 Pulsed DSR
&Tn Modem testing
&T0 End testing
&T1 Analog loopback
&T2 Reserved
&T3 Digital loopback
&T4 Grant remote digital loopback
&T5 Deny remote digital loopback
&T6 Initiate remote digital loopback
&T7 Remote digital loopback with self-test
&T8 Analog loopback with self-test
&W Write current settings to NVRAM
&Xn Synchronous timing source
&X0 Modem’s transmit clock—Default
&X1 Terminal equipment
&X2 Modem’s receiver clock
&Yn Break handling. Destructive breaks clear the buffer; expedited Breaks are sent immediately
to remote system
&Y0 Destructive, but don’t send break
&Y1 Destructive, expedited—Default
&Y2 Nondestructive, expedited
&Y3 Nondestructive, unexpedited
&Zn=L Store last-dialed phone number in NVRAM at position
&Zn=s Write phone number(s) to NVRAM at position n (0-3); 36 characters maximum
&Zn? Display phone number in NVRAM at position n (n=0-3)
%Rn Remote access to Rack Controller Unit (RCU)
%R0 Disabled
%R1 Enabled
%T Enable Touch-tone recognition

Modem S-Register Functions and Defaults

disables Auto Answer, equivalent to DIP switch 5 Down
S1 Counts and stores number of rings from incoming call
S2 Define escape code character. Default = +
S3 Define ASCII carriage return
S4 Define ASCII line feed
S5 Define ASCII Backspace
S6 Number of seconds modem waits before dialing
S7 Number of seconds modem waits for a carrier
S8 Duration (sec) for pause (,) option in Dial command and pause between command reexecutions
for Repeat (>) command
S9 Duration (.1 sec units) of remote carrier signal before recognition
S10 Duration (.1 sec units) modem waits after loss of carrier before hanging up
S11 Duration and spacing (ms) of dialed touch-tones
S12 Guard time (in .02 sec units) for escape code sequence (+++)
S13 Bitmapped register:
1 Reset when DTR drops
2 Auto answer in originate mode
4 Disable result code pause
8 DS0 on DTR low-to-high
16 DS0 on power up, ATZ
32 Disable HST modulation
64 Disable MNP Level 3
128 Watchdog hardware reset
S15 Bitmapped register:
1 Disable high-frequency equalization
2 Disable online fallback
4 Force 300bps back channel
8 Set non-ARQ transmit buffer to 128 bytes
16 Disable MNP Level 4
32 Set Del as Backspace key
64 Unusual MNP incompatibility
128 Custom applications only

Bitmapped Register

2 Dial test
4 Test pattern
8 Initiate remote digital loopback
16 Reserved
32 Reserved
64 Reserved
128 Reserved
S18 &Tn Test timer, disabled when set to 0
S19 Set inactivity timer in minutes
S21 Length of Break, DCE to DTE, in 10ms units
S22 Define ASCII XON 17 17
S23 Define ASCII XOFF 19 19

Modem S-Register Functions and Defaults

S25 Delay to DTR in 10ms units
S26 Duration (10ms units) of delay between RTS and CTS, synchronous mode
S27 Bitmapped register:
1 Enable V.21 modulation, 300bps
2 Enable unencoded V.32 modulation
4 Disable V.32 modulation
8 Disable 2100Hz answer tone
16 Disable MNP handshake
32 Disable V.42 Detect phase
64 Reserved
128 Unusual software incompatibility
S28 Duration (.1 sec units) of V.21/V.23 handshake delay
0 Disabled
1 Go off hook in originate mode
2 Go off hook in answer mode
3 Redial last-dialed number
4 Dial number stored at position 0
5 Auto answer toggle On/Off
6 Reset modem
7 Initiate remote digital loopback
S34 Bitmapped register:
1 Disable V.32bis
2 Disable enhanced V.32 mode
4 Disable quick V.32 retrain
8 Enable V.23 modulation
16 Change MR LED to DSR
32 Enable MI/MIC
64 Reserved
128 Reserved
S38 Duration (sec) before disconnect when DTR drops during an ARQ call

ARQ = Automatic repeat request
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BPS = Bits per second
CCITT = Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph
CD = Carrier detect
CRC = Cyclic redundancy check
DCE = Data communications equipment
DTE = Data terminal equipment
EIA = Electronic Industries Association
HDLC = High-level data link control
HST = High-speed technology
Hz = Hertz
LAPM = Link access procedure for modems
MI/MIC = Mode indicate/Mode indicate common
MNP = Microcom networking protocol
NVRAM = Non-volatile memory
RAM = Random access memory
ROM = Read-only memory
SDLC = Synchronous Data Link Control
MR = Modem ready
LED = Light-emitting diode
DTR = Data terminal ready
CTS = Clear to send
RTS = Ready to send
DSR = Data set ready.
Voice/Data switch options: 1
Duration (20ms units) of pulsed DSR when modem is set to &S2 or &S3
Analog loopback
Number of rings before automatic answering when DIP switch 5 is UP. Default = 1. S0 = 0

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